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Couples Facing Couples (Becket)

Author: Unknown
Formation: Becket but it has a whole set progression
Music: Any suitable tune

A1  (8) Face Partner Heel and Toe out and in;
      (8) Right side Arch and left side duck under; 
A2  (8) Face Partner Heel and Toe out and in;
      (8) Right side Arch and left side duck under; 

B1  (8) Clapping sequence: Right hands 3 times, Left hands 3 times, 
         Both hands 3 times, Knees 3 times;
      (8) Two hand Turn with Partner once around;
B2 (16) Top two couples make a two arches and go down over both rows;

Author: Pat Kelm (April 2016)
Formation: Becket but it has a whole set progression
Music: LS 318 "January 7th Jig" or "Braveheart" or "Saint Anne's Reel"

A1  (8) With couple across Right-hand Star;
      (8) Back with Left-hand Star;
A2  (8) End Star in a long line and March toward head or foot;
        (Line on Caller's right going toward foot, line on caller's left
         going toward head, turn alone on beats 7 and 8)
      (8) Lines march back;

B1  (8) Circle Left with the same couple;
      (8) Dosado opposite;
B2  (8) Top two couples take both hands with opposites and sashay to the foot. 
      (8) Clap own hands twice, Partner's hands twice,
          own hands twice, and Opposite's hands twice;

Slide Right

This group of Slide Right Contras are all based on a single type of progression. Slide Right: For the Slide Right each couple moves to their right along the line or around the end into the spot of the next couple. Middle Couples will completely pass a couple in the opposite line during the Slide Right. Odd Couples: If there is an odd number of couples, place the spare couple facing up the center at the far end. When the Slide Right occurs they are part of the action moving one couple in and one couple out. SLIDE RIGHT CONTRA #1
By Dottie Welch, December, 2004 This is one of my favorite contras for Party Events of all Beginners. Formation: Contra Lines of Couples Facing Couples Music: "Lord MacLay's Reel" on Caledonian Ball A1 (8) Ladies Dosado; (8) Gents Dosado; A2 (8) Each 4 Star Right; (8) Each 4 Star Left; B1 (8) Circle Left; (8) Circle Right; B2 (8) Let Go and Slide Right to face a new two; (8) Long Lines Forward and Back; SLIDE RIGHT WITH CLAPS By Dottie Welch, December, 2004 This is one of my favorite contras for Party Events of all Beginners. Formation: Contra Lines of Couples Facing Couples Music: "Mandolin Contra" on Lloyd Shaw 331 or "Braveheart" A1 (8) Opposites Clap (knees, knees, own hands twice, opposite's hands three times); (8) Partners Clap; A2 (8) Each 4 Star Right; (8) Each 4 Star Left; B1 (8) Circle Left; (8) Circle Right; B2 (8) Let Go and Slide Right to face a new two; (8) Long Lines Forward and Back; OKLAHOMA, OK By Dottie Welch, June 2013 Formation: Becket = Couples Facing Couples, easy Music: "Oklahoma" on Red Boot 229 (slowed) A1 (8) Left line arch over while right side couples Dive Thru and all U-Turn Back (or California Twirl); (8) Left line arch over again and all U-Turn or Twirl and all do the same as the first time; A2 (8) Ladies Dosado; (8) Gents Dosado; B1 (8) Each four Circle Left; (8) Circle Right; B2 (8) Let Go and Slide Right (each couple moves to the spot of the couple on their right); (8) Long Lines Forward and Back; SLIDE RIGHT CONTRA #2 (SWITCH) By Dottie Welch, June 2005 Formation: Contra Lines of Couples Facing Couples Music: A1 (8) Two hand turn opposite half to switch; (8) Long Lines Go Forward and Back; A2 (8) Two hand turn opposite half to place; (8) Long Lines Go Forward and Back; B1 (8) Each four Circle Left; (8) Same four Circle Right; B2 (8) Let Go and Slide Right to face a new two; (8) Long Lines Forward and Back; SLIDE RIGHT CONTRA #3 (TURN OPPOSITE) By Dottie Welch, December 2006 Formation: Contra Lines of Couples Facing Couples Music: A1 (8) Turn Opposite Right-Hand round; (8) Turn Opposite Left-Hand round; A2 (8) Opposite Dosado; (8) Partner Dosado; B1 (8) Couples Face and Circle Left; (8) Circle Right; B2 (8) Let Go and Slide Right to face a new two; (8) Long Lines Forward and Back; SLIDE RIGHT CONTRA #4 (SWING) By Dottie Welch, September 2009 Formation: Contra Lines of Couples Facing Couples Music: A1 (8) Turn Partner Right; (8) Allemande Left your corner; A2 (8) Go home and Swing your Own, put her on the Right; (8) Forward and Back; B1 (8) Each Four Circle Left; (8) Circle Right; B2 (8) Let Go and Slide Right to face a new two;; (8) Long Lines Forward and Back; SLIDE RIGHT CONTRA #5 (LADIES CHAIN) By Dottie Welch, January 2009 Formation: Contra Lines of Couples Facing Couples (Middle Couples pass a couple in Slide Right) A1 (8) Ladies Chain; (8) Chain Back (keep left hand in); A2 (8) Star Left full around; (8) Forward and Back; B1 (8) Circle Left; (8) Circle Right; B2 (8) Let Go and Slide Right to face a new two; (8) Long Lines Forward and Back;

Left Diagonal Circle Left

Author: Orace Johnson Formation: Becket Music: Reels A1 (8) Left Diagonal Circle Left 3/4 (first time: Circle Left 3/4 with couple across) (8) Neighbor Dosado A2 (16) Neighbor Balance and Swing (12 beats) B1 (8) Circle Left 3/4 (to face partner up and down) (8) Partner Dosado B2 (8) Partner Balance and Swing (12 beats) (8) (ID new couple on Left Diagonal) MIDWEST MILD Author: Dottie Welch, January 2016 (Idea from Midwest Folklore) Formation: Becket (Neutrals at the ends stand on left side ready for the diagonal circle) Music: A1 (8) Left Diagonal Circle Left 3/4 (first time: Circle Left 3/4 with couple across) (8) Neighbor Dosado; A2 (16) Neighbor Balance and Swing (12 beats Swing); B1 (8) Long Lines Forward and Back; (8) Gents Dosado; B2 (8) Ladies Dosado once and a half; (8) Partner Swing;

Slant Left (or Right) Right and Left Thru

Adapted by Ede Butlin from "Beckett's Reel" by Herbie Gaudreau Music: “Slaunch to Donegal” on Windsor 4183, back is prompted by Don Armstrong A1 (8) Allemande Left your corner; (8) Go home and Swing your Own; A2 (8) Slant Left, Right & Left Thru; (8) New two Right and Left Thru; B1 (8) Two Ladies Chain; (8) Chain her back again; B2 (8) Star Left; (8) Star Right; Turn the star to Donegal; then corners Allemande; Singing Version of Slaunch to Donegal Allemande Left your corner, go home and Swing you do; Swing your girl, then Slant to the Left, do a Right and Left Thru; To the left you go, then straight across, new two Right and Left Thru; Take your time, turn ‘em there, then the Ladies Chain; She’s not yours, what a shame, Chain her back again; Keep in step with the piper’s band, Star with the old Left hand; Around you mill, around you wheel, come back with Right hands all; Turn the star go home again, back to Donegal. ALLYNN'S MOUNTAIN REEL Author: Allynn Riggs Formation: Contra lines with Couple facing couple across the set. The formation requires an even number of couples. Music: TNT 228 "Merry Christmas Polka" or Blue Ribbon 257 "Me and My Shadow" A1 (8) Across Two Ladies Chain; (8) Ladies DoSaDo; A2 (8) Men DoSaDo; (8) Ladies Chain turn a Quarter More; B1 (8) Promenade go up and down; (8) Wheel Around and Come Back; B2 (8) Find those two and Half Promenade; (8) Slant right go Right and Left Thru; SPRINGFIELD BECKET By Dottie Welch, January 2015 Formation: Couples Facing Couples (spare couple at end of right line ready to Slant Left ) Music: "Ralph Page & East Hill Breakdown", Southerners +2 A1 (8) Ladies lead Flutterwheel; (8) Men lead Reverse the Flutter; A2 (8) And Sweep 1/4 then Opposites Balance; (8) Opposites Swing; B1 (8) Ladies Dosado once and a half; (8) Partner Swing; B2 (8) Long lines Forward and Back; (8) Slant Left, Right and Left Thru; DON'T FORGET US CONTRA By Walt Cole Formation: Becket (Couples Facing Couples) (spare couple at end of right line ready to Slant Left ) Music: TNT 120 A1 (8) Straight across Right and Left Thru; (8) Ladies lead Dixie Style to and Ocean Wave and Balance; A2 (8) Allemande Left once and a half; (8) Ladies Chain; B1 (8) Same four Left-hand Star; (8) Right-hand Star back to your lines; B2 (8) Slant Left, Right and Left Thru; (8) In your lines go Forward and Back; FORT McHENRY Author: Chuck Quigley - 2000 Formation: Becket (couple facing couple) (could be in Concentric Circles with couples facing center and wall) A1 (8) With couple across Circle Left; (8) Circle Right; A2 (8) Two Ladies Chain across; (8) Two Ladies Chain back and Courtesy Turn a Quarter More; B1 (8) Promenade Up or Down; (Clockwise or Counter-clockwise) (8) Wheel Around and Come Back; B2 (8) Face across and Half Promenade; (8) Slant Right, Right and Left Thru;

Hey or Half Hey

Ladies Lead Half a Hey: Hey is a weaving movement done along a line. All four dancers walk along the same three-loop pathway. The full action is usually allotted sixteen beats of music. For Ladies Lead Half a Hey, begin with the two facing ladies passing each other by the right shoulder. Each gent adjusts to his right to pass the approaching lady by the left shoulder. While the gents pass each other in the middle by the right shoulder, the ladies make a big loop to the left to face back in. There are various endings. Without additional instructions, each gent should individually turn left to end beside the lady he was following and/or blend into the next call. MIDWEST HEY
Author: Dottie Welch, January 2016 (Idea from Midwest Folklore) Formation: Becket (Neutrals at the ends stand on left side ready for the diagonal circle) Music: "Quigley’s Reel" on Southerners Plus Two A1 (8) Left Diagonal Circle Left 3/4; (first time: Circle Left 3/4 with couple across); (8) Neighbor Dosado; A2 (16) Neighbor Balance and Swing (12 beats); B1 (8) Long Lines Forward and Back; (8) Gents turn left once and a bit; B2 (8) Pass partner right to begin Half a Hey; (8) Partner Swing; HALF HEY SLIDE Dottie Welch, November 2005 Formation: Couples Facing Couples A1 (8) Ladies Chain (8) Half Promenade A2 (8) Ladies Lead Half a Hey (ladies pass right to start) (8) Ladies Chain B1 (8) Circle Left (8); Circle Right (8) B2 (8) Let Go and Slide Right to the next couple’s spot (8) Lines Forward and Back HEY SLIDE By Dottie Welch, November 2005 Formation: Couples Facing Fiddler's Music: Golden Keyboard, Swinging Gate, Bay of Fundy A1 (8) Long Lines Forward and Back; (8) Gents Dosado; A2 (16) Ladies Lead (right shoulder) Hey for Four; B1 (8) Ladies Dosado; (8) All four Make a Right-Hand Star; B2 (8) Circle Right; (8) Let go and Slide Right (to the next couple’s spot); BUTTER By Gene Hubert (In Zesty Contras, danced at Callerlab 2010 in Niagara Falls) Formation: Becket Music: Hunter's House, Providence, Congress Reel (Yankee Ingenuity) A1 (8) On left diagonal Circle Left three-quarters; (8) Swing Neighbor; A2 (8) Forward and Back; (8) Ladies Chain; B1 (16) Hey for Four (ladies start right shoulder); B2 (16) Balance and Swing Partner; HEART OF GLASS By Cary Ravitz (10-2000) Formation: Becket A1 (8) Circle Left three-quarters and Pass through up and down; (8) New neighbors Swing; A2 (8) Men Allemande Left once and a half; (8) Men keep left hands in, pick up your partner, Star Promenade; across and Butterfly Whirl to face in; B1 (16) Ladies pass right to start a Hey for Four; B2 (16) Partners Balance and Swing; DEVIN’S BAT By Paul Moore Devin is the delightful daughter of Bob and Allynn Riggs (directors of the LSF Rocky Mountain Dance Roundup). She once got a bat stuck in her hair, so this dance was written for her. Formation: Becket Music: 32 bar A1 (8) Ladies Chain and a Quarter More; (8) Weathervane across; A2 (8) All Promenade in facing direction and turn as a couple; (8) Come back, Butterfly Whirl; B1 (16) Ladies lead Hey for four; B2 (8) Ladies Chain; (8) Lines Forward and Slide Left as you go back; (At the ends the neutral couple should move around to the other side.) *Butterfly Whirl: instead of just bending the line to face across the set, Courtesy Turn once and a quarter. It adds flair to the dance, and it gives the feeling on soaring (on bat’s wings?).


By Dottie Welch, September 2016 Formation: Couples Facing Couples Music: “The Lads of Dunse / The Golden Legs” on A Portland Collection 2 A1 (8) Ladies Chain and Gents Flair; (8) Ladies Lead Half a Hey (ladies pass right shoulders to start); A2 (16) Opposite Balance and long Swing; B1 (8) Circle Left Three Places; (8) Partner Swing; B2 (8) Forward and Left Ricochet; (8) Star Right Halfway; SOONER SLICE By CONTRALAB workshop attendees, Oklahoma City, June 26, 2013 Formation: Becket (Couples Facing Couples) Music: Québec Reel, Reel St. Blondine, Pacific Slope From “Any Jig or Reel” CD, 2005 A1 (8) Slice and Ricochet; (8) Gents Allemande Left 1 1/2; A1 (8) Opposite Swing; (8) Forward and Back; A1 (8) Ladies Allemande Left 1 1/2; (8) (Begin right shoulder) Half a Hey; A1 (16) Partner Balance and and Swing (12 beats); Description: Begin in a Becket formation. If there is an extra couple, place them at the foot in the right-hand line. Slice and Ricochet: Look toward the couple diagonally to the left, move diagonally forward towards each other until nose-to-nose then ricochet directly backwards into the same line having made progression. Couples on the left end of their line should Slice toward a phantom couple and ricochet as the spare couple. They then move to the other side ready to join in again at the next Slice and Ricochet. Allemande Left 1 1/2: Using a pigeon wing hold, the designated dancers turn by the left arm once and a half around to end facing the dancer who was directly across from them at the start. Half a Hay: Begin by passing original partner by the right shoulder pass. Gents pass each other by the left shoulder in the middle while the Ladies loop to their right. Opposite genders now pass each other by the right shoulder. Gents loop to the right as the Ladies pass each other by the left in the middle. Everyone should now have moved across the center of the set and be facing their partner ready to Balance and Swing.
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